Evaluation Criteria of nominees
- Objectives and outcomes are concrete and clearly stated
- Literature survey is relevant and complete
- Project plan and intermediate deliverables are provided
- The timeframe provided realistically
Technical Merit
- Strengths and weaknesses of the solution are known and clearly highlighted
- Techniques used for solution are clearly described and justification for using these techniques is provided
- Progress made in that direction and positive results achieved so far
- Capability of project director and/or project team to achieve the project
- Relevance/Importance to country/region & world
- Impact on society
- Problem definition
- Impact and viability of the solution
- Commercializable aspects of the project clearly stated
- Does the proposed product/solution, campaign address the current and future needs of industry/society
- Plans for producing, marketing, distributing, and diffusion of the developed products/solutions provided and adequate
- Does the nominee have prior industrial experience and/or research papers in the proposed project domain or does the nominees have prior experience in handling such projects
Criteria of Evaluation of Nominees/Candidates
The evaluation will based on following criteria:
A. Client Impact: Describe how the project outcomes relate directly or indirectly to positive impacts for the client(s).
B. Benefit Realization: (process efficiency supported by information technology): Describe how the project creates benefits for government service(s) delivery in the jurisdiction(s) involved.
C. Transformation: Describe the role that technology played in transforming or modernizing the delivery of services.
D. People: Quantify how the project resulted in an increase in services delivered to either citizens or businesses (e.g., increased access and accessibility, increased capacity, higher engagement better demographic and language support).
E. Process: Quantify how the project contributed to improving the quality of the delivery of services by one or more public sector organizations (e.g., transparency, internal partnerships, client relationship management,
F. Marketing Contribution: The extent to which the Marketing contributes to and/or demonstrates notable positive improvements in, for example: • Efficiency (a ratio of output to inputs)
• Total costs or budgetary pressures
• Quality (reduction of re-work, enhanced perceived quality of experience, products and/or services)
• Responsiveness of services (turn-around times, dropped calls)
• Satisfaction of partners, employees and/or citizens (as perceived and experienced)
• Transparency and accountability (reporting, scorecards)
• Use and management of public funds (financial management, stewardship, controls)
• Determinants of citizen health, public safety, literacy, education and other societal indicators
• Citizen access and usage of program/services (reach and/or traffic indicators)
• Response to new societal demands (addressing health, education, environmental, information and human rights issues)
• Addressing upstream issues (based on logic models, economic models)
G. Social Implication: Contribution of project for creating better world through marketing
H. Completeness:
· Objectives and outcomes are concrete and clearly stated
· Literature survey is relevant and complete
· Project plan and intermediate deliverables are provided
· Timeframe provided realistic
I. Technical Merit:
· Strengths and weaknesses of the solution are known and clearly highlighted
· Techniques used for solution are clearly described and justification for using these techniques is provided
· Progress made in that direction and positive results achieved so far
· Capability of project director and/or project team to achieve the project
J: Relevance:
Relevance/Importance to country/region & world
· Impact on society
· Problem definition
· Impact and viability of the solution
· Commercializable aspects of the project clearly stated
· Does the proposed product/solution, campaign address the current and future needs of industry/society
· plans for producing, marketing, distributing and diffusion of the developed products/solutions provided and adequate
· Does nominee have prior industrial experience and/or research papers in the proposed project domain or does the nominees have prior experience of handling such projects